Eight Step Process for Your Best-Seller

Steal Like an Artist by Austin Kleon
  • Write a Manuscript
  • Team Up
  • Brainstorm a Best-Seller
  • Design Together
  • Create Your Best-Seller
  • Review the Details
  • Publish the Book
  • Sale Like a Pro

Write a Manuscript

Collect your ideas and start writing. Do your research. Collect your materials and characters. Compose your creation the way you think you can express better. Focusing only on the process of writing and getting involved in the process propels you to a great height, and that is the starting point.

Team Up

Call us or let us know your contact info. We will contact you. Once we understand your thoughts, we will create a group for you that will complement and help you. Editor and designers will be part of your team along with marketing professionals.

Brainstorm a Best-Seller

Your team will help you brainstorm and lead the effort of writing a best-seller. Team members from different streams will help you see the bigger picture with clarity. You will get a solution in a better way and timely.

Design Together

Our professional designing team will create design elements to suit your need and audience. The whole team will work together to bring just the right solution.

Create Your Best-Seller

Once the copy is ready, and design plans are complete, we plan the book layout. Depending on what formats in which we should be publishing the book, we arrange experts accordingly. Ebooks programmings are essential steps we follow.

Review the Details

A thorough review is the most crucial part of our process. As we go through multiple steps screening the book and all its constituents, still we dedicate a reasonable amount of time to check the book as a whole. We create best of you for sure!

Publish the Book

We print as per your demand. Any binding and paper can be arranged. We do on-demand-printing that helps you to kick start your publication easily. We will find out and will suggest you the best printing service that will suit your need.

Marketing, You Have Just Started

Our Marketing and Sales team will provide you with a sales funnel specially created for your audience. From video pitch to emails marketings, we cover you with all modern techniques to make your sale happen.